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Triple B/Yr Bred/Nomination Fee

Triple B/Yr Bred/Nomination Fee


This is the first installment for the Triple B- Blazer Breeders Best Show entry 

1st year- When the mare is bred, it's $50 due by Dec 31 of year bred. 

2nd year- When the foal is born, $100 due by Dec 31 of year born

3rd year- When foal is a yearling and year of the  show , $150. due by July 1 of show year. 

(Horse industry standard, the year foal is born no matter when it is born  that year, so the next January 1st, they are considered a yearling.) Money paid is non-refundable.


The fees are kept in a trust and paid out to the winners in 6 categories.

Payout depends on number of horses enrolled for  that  show year.

Best Stallion, Best Gelding, Best Filly in both Conformation + In Hand Trail


Grand Champion

Reserve Champion 

3rd Runner Up.

  • List names and Registration #'s for Sire & Dam


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